Thursday, November 14, 2019

No Honey Avenue

Sometimes one needs to strive to get a project funded by a publisher and I happen to have accumulated quite a bunch of discarded pages which I am still glad to share as I still made them with love.

There was this one a while ago…

This one just recently…

Which is also true for that one...

… and this one...

Cheers everyone !

Monday, October 14, 2019


Hi there…So…  Lately, I ve been quite busy and a few comic books have been issued with GlĂ©nat as a publisher.

The second volume of Goering 's brother (from a true story). Picture was taken in Bruxelles during "Fete de la BD". Nice time there.

That one has just come out. Though adapted from a motion picture, it is also inspired by a true story and was a very pleasant book to make.

The movie director from "Donne moi des ailes" (Nicolas Vanier) was happy enough with it so he gave me a new movie to comic book job. So here are the first two pages.

I better get back to work now. Cheers everyone.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Hope you like this year's poster for the Country Roque Music Festival, I had a lot of fun doing that one.

Friday, January 11, 2019


Hi all,
this year starts with the end of a 20 years monthly press publication in which I got my very first pages published nearly 2 decades ago. It s quite sad.
Here s my contribution to the very last issue of Lanfeust Mag.