Sunday, November 22, 2015


It s been a while since my sweet Delphine Bodet and I were planning something together and it took shape through an internet-based hybrid form of media launched by pioneer cartoonists (Balak and Malec) named"Turbomedia". FYI you can find a few samples made by newbies (including us) here !
So, anyway, together, we are now :

and for our very first Turbomedia production, we chose to help a scientific project based in Malaysia :

HOSCAP, yup, that's them. So the idea here is to create an audience and appreciation for a little know and quite mysterious animal endemic to Borneo island : the hose's civet so we came up with that.

You can read the full story here and please share if you enjoyed it. 
To finish this note, I must thank Clem kle and Batraf for the precious inspiration and help.
Enjoy folks.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Odyxes 2 !!!

Hi all. Though not for sure yet ; this is quite probably what the second book's cover will look like. Hope you like it, it 's been a mission.