Friday, October 17, 2014


The way it turned out sort of reminds me of hong kong style comics.

Work in Progress

Since I enjoyed drawing that insect last time, I came along with that friendly six legged crowd. Here are a few steps from raw scan to where I am now.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

sweet haired girl

Still thanks to Delphine Bodet, my Corel painter teacher, I continue my learning process…

Painter s debut

Since I have a bit of free time those days, I am trying to get used to Corel Painter. So amongst other drawings yet to be posted, I put some colors on that fan art of my all time favorite.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

this is the first finalized picture out of a project with my dear Delphine Bodet on that peculiar and unknown animal from Borneo : the hose's civet.

Proudly introducing...

My new release as illustrator. Story by Arleston and colors (except that cover) by Mikl. Available from august 20th if you want to get it. For those who are going to read it (in french only, sorry about that), enjoy.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Or when you ve just finished what you think is the very last drawing. Rrrh, such a great feeling.

All aboard with Odyxes. my new book to be issued at Soleil with Christophe Arleston in August ! Hope you'll enjoy it folks.